Hunting reserve EL CRESPO

  • caza de perdiz roja, coto
  • Aprende a no tener miedo a conducir en autoescuela Monte

Mother Nature endowed our fields with partridges and since that time such a wealth in hunting has never been seen on earth.

These are the mountains, valleys, lowlands and plains which are home to the red partridge. They are our private hunting reserve.

Located in Fuenllana, Ciudad Real, our hunting reserve is a cynegetic paradise, point of reference in red legged partridge hunting.

Highly traditional and deeply rooted in Spain, this kind of hunt attracts hunters from all around the world.

Our red partridge huntings are internationally known, so many passionate hunters from many countries come to visit our hunting reserve.

Flushing and hunting the red partridge is unique in the world. Nothing compares to their boldness and agility, their vertical flight. The quality of the hunt at our private hunting reserves is also unique. We are a respected name.


hunting reserve

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