Partridge shooting in Spain

In Spain, there is such a big tradition in partridge shooting. The landscapes, the climate and our big number of hours of light are some of the reasons that make our country the perfect scenario to this practice. But where does this tradition come from?


We have 360,000 km of national and private reserves of hunting scattered over the whole country. For that reason, if you want to practice partridge shooting, you’ll absolutely find the perfect place right here.

The tradicion of hunting has a long history in Spain, you just have to look at the paintings of our famous painters: hunting appears in many of them.

Nowadays, there are mainly two differents hunting modes:

1. Major hunt

In Spain, it is considered ‘major hunt’ when it is related to the species that are bigger than a fox when they are adults: wild pig, mountain goat, wolf, deer, roe deer…

For this type of hunting is very important to take into account the meteorological characteristics and there are also different ways to practice it.

2. Small game

It is considered ‘small game’ when it is related to the species that are smaller that a fox when they are adults: rabbit, dove, hare, quail and, of course, partridge.

There are different ways to practice the small game too. In our reserve, we have the best conditions in the middle of Ciudad Real, to practice partridge shooting, with more of 45 years organizing driven hunt.

Also, we recommend some tips for red-legged partridge you may find useful to check before your visit. However, if you have any question about driven hunt or about our services and acommodation, you can always contact us and just ask!


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